- Dimensional and Dimensionless Physical Constants of Nature
Please click here to download a paper on the Physical Constants of nature and Expressions of Physics.
A good introduction to this subject is provided by John D. Barrow and John K. Webb in their article "Inconstant Constants" in Scientific American Volume 292 Number 6 from June 2005:
"Some things never change. Physicists call them the constants of nature. Such quantities as the speed of light c, Newton's constant of gravitation G, and the mass of the electron me are assumed to be the same all places and times in the universe. The form of the scaffolding around which the theories of physics are erected, and they define the fabric of the universe. Physics has progressed by making ever more accurate measurements of their values.
And yet, remarkably, no one has successfully predicted or explained any of the constants. Physicists have no idea why they take the special numerical values that they do. In SI units, the speed of light c is 299,792,458; G is 6.673 x 1011; and me is 9.10938188 x 10-31; numbers that follow no discernible pattern. The only thread running through the values is that if many of them were even slightly different, complex atomic structures such as living beings would not be possible. The desire to explain the constants has been one of the driving forces behind efforts to develop a complete unified description of nature, or "theory of everything". Physicists have hoped that such a theory would show that each of the constants of nature could only have one logical value. It would reveal an underlying order to the seeming arbitrariness of nature.
In recent years, however, the status of the constants has grown more muddled, not less. Researchers have found that the best candidate for a theory of everything (in 2005), the variant of string theory called M-theory, is self-consistent only if the universe has more dimensions than four dimensions of space and time - as many as seven more. (...)"
Therefore, an interesting aspect of any development of physics is the resulting ability to predict and calculate the fundamental constants of nature. This represents a significant validation of new perspectives of physics and should also highlight how the new development relates to the classical values.
The Theory of Physics in 5 Dimensions should be read with the above comments in mind. In contrast to the comments from John D. Barrow and John K. Webb, the reader will find that many of the physical constants of nature are clearly defined by the theory and have expressions that permit an accurate calculation of the value of the constant. Relationships linking different constants of nature are also developed.
In some cases, the classical physics expressions for the physical constants are changed by the Theory of Physics in 5 Dimensions into relativistic expressions that significantly alters their values for a particle/object velocity approaching the speed of light.
The paper downloaded from the link at the top of this page lists the expressions for a selection of the Physical Constants of Nature, as derived and used with Physics in 5 dimensions, and also includes the relevant prime parameters used with the expressions derived:
Of particular interest is the expression for the constant of dimensions P (corresponding to the Gravitation Constant G of classical physics) which is listed at the bottom of page 3.
The expressions are taken from the book Physics in 5 Dimensions and the relevant pages are noted for each constant.
The Book by Alan Clark - Physics in 5 Dimensions - PDF file is available to members of ResearchGate here.